Our Services

Our Services

Comprehensive Glasses Exam


A comprehensive eye exam involves a series of tests that assess your eye health and vision. A comprehensive eye exam can also reveal signs of a general health condition like diabetes, cancer, hypertension or high cholesterol. This exam includes a prescription for glasses.

Contact Lens Exam


There are many different types of contact lens options: disposable soft lenses, rigid gas permeable lenses, bifocals, multifocals, dailies, bi-weekly, monthly, and extended wear options. Some contact lenses options are medically necessary and are covered under insurance Our doctors are board certified clinicians and will recommend the best lens options for you and your eye health.

DMV Screening


An applicant who fails their driver's license examination in Texas can complete a more accurate measurement by their eye doctor. The testing required includes Dilation drops, Retinal Imaging, Visual Field Screening, Depth Perception, Color Vision Test, and ultimately a prescription for glasses will be given if applicable. Note: In some cases, examination by more than one specialist may be requested and/or recommended.

Medical Office Visit


An exam to treat any issues with your eyes such as burning, itching, dry eye, infection, or any other ocular problems. Our doctors are equipped to provide quality care, prescribe necessary medication, and refer you to specialists if needed.

Retinal Photo


Retinal imaging is recommended for patients who have family history of diabetes, glaucoma, or who have been diagnosed with cataracts. Our Doctors can determine if you are at risk for retinopathy, macular degeneration, and other eye problems listed above.



Our doctors recommend dilation every year if you are 50 or older. When we apply the dilation drops to your eye, it opens up the pupil to give our doctors a better view inside of your eye. It causes a mild near vision blur for two (2) hours after installation of the drops. We recommend someone driving you in case you have to leave right away.

Comprehensive Glasses Exam $155

A comprehensive eye exam involves a series of tests that assess your eye health and vision. A comprehensive eye exam can also reveal signs of a general health condition like diabetes, cancer, hypertension or high cholesterol. This exam includes a prescription for glasses.

Contact Lens Exam


There are many different types of contact lens options: disposable soft lenses, rigid gas permeable lenses, bifocals, multifocals, dailies, bi-weekly, monthly, and extended wear options. Some contact lenses options are medically necessary and are covered under insurance. Our doctors are board certified clinicians and will recommend the best lens options for you and your eye health.

DMV Screening


An applicant who fails their driver's license examination in Texas can complete a more accurate measurement by their eye doctor. The testing required includes Dilation drops, Retinal Imaging, Visual Field Screening, Depth Perception, Color Vision Test, and ultimately a prescription for glasses will be given if applicable. Note: In some cases, examination by more than one specialist may be requested and/or recommended.

Medical Office Visit


An exam to treat any issues with your eyes such as burning, itching, dry eye, infection, or any other ocular problems. Our doctors are equipped to provide quality care, prescribe necessary medication, and refer you to specialists if needed.

Retinal Photo $35

Retinal imaging is recommended for patients who have family history of diabetes, glaucoma, or who have been diagnosed with cataracts. Our Doctors can determine if you are at risk for retinopathy, macular degeneration, and other eye problems listed above.

Dilation $35

Our doctors recommend dilation every year if you are 50 or older. When we apply the dilation drops to your eye, it opens up the pupil to give our doctors a better view inside of your eye. It causes a mild near vision blur for two (2) hours after installation of the drops. We recommend someone driving you in case you have to leave right away.

LASIK Post-Op Care

*Prices Vary

We want you to see your very best. We are partnered with excellent LASIK surgery facilities to ensure your safe operation and postoperative care.

Cataract Post-Op Care

*Prices Vary

We want you to see your very best. We are partnered with excellent cataract surgery facilities to ensure your safe operation and postoperative care.

Visual Field Screening


Screening for loss of central or peripheral vision, can detect brain tumors (ie pituitary gland tumors), and screens for glaucoma. Highly suggested for those suffering from headaches, transient loss of vision, or those with glaucoma in their family history.

Foreign Body Removal


Foreign body removal from the eye involves carefully removing a particle or object lodged on the corneal surface or in the eye, often requiring specialized tools and techniques to ensure safety and minimize damage. Antibiotics are prescribed to reduce bacterial infection chances. Do not attempt to do this yourself. After 48 hours the corneal re-grows over the foreign body making it more difficult to remove. Contact lens bandages might be used over the eye to reduce discomfort after careful removal.

Extended Visual Field


Your eyes can show symptoms of abnormalities throughout your entire body. An extended visual field may be recommended by our doctors in order to further assess your symptoms. This test examines your entire field of vision and is used to determine indications of glaucoma, tumors, and more.

LASIK Post-Op Care

*Prices Vary

We want you to see your very best. We are partnered with excellent LASIK surgery facilities to ensure your safe operation and postoperative care.

Cataract Post-Op Care

*Prices Vary

We want you to see your very best. We are partnered with excellent cataract surgery facilities to ensure your safe operation and postoperative care.

Visual Field Screening


Screening for loss of central or peripheral vision, can detect brain tumors (ie pituitary gland tumors), and screens for glaucoma.   Highly suggested for those suffering from headaches, transient loss of vision, or those with glaucoma in their family history.

Foreign Body Removal


Foreign body removal from the eye involves carefully removing a particle or object lodged on the corneal surface or in the eye, often requiring specialized tools and techniques to ensure safety and minimize damage. Antibiotics are prescribed to reduce bacterial infection chances. Do not attempt to do this yourself. After 48 hours the corneal re-grows over the foreign body making it more difficult to remove. Contact lens bandages might be used over the eye to reduce discomfort after careful removal.

Extended Visual Field


Your eyes can show symptoms of abnormalities throughout your entire body. An extended visual field may be recommended by our doctors in order to further assess your symptoms. This test examines your entire field of vision and is used to determine indications of glaucoma, tumors, and more.

Seeing Your Best Life



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